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Meet Dr. Erika Eeds

Growing Up With Chiropractic

As a child, Dr. Erika Eeds thought it was normal to receive regular chiropractic care—her grandfather was a chiropractor, and she looked forward to her adjustments partly because they always made her feel great, and partly because it was a chance to spend time with her beloved granddad.

chiropractic tableIt wasn’t until she was an adult that Dr. Eeds learned that many, if not most, people never get to experience the natural health benefits of chiropractic care. Inspired to help people the way chiropractic care from her granddad helped her, Dr. Eeds enrolled at Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree, along with certification in animal chiropractic, in 2018.

Coming to Corsicana Was Meant to Be

Dr. Eeds’ parents moved to Corsicana, when a serious accident revealed God’s plan for her father to practice dentistry here. Although she didn’t set out to practice chiropractic here, the opportunity to take over Corsicana Chiropractic coincided with her completion of chiropractic school and seemed to be God’s plan for her as well.

Since 2019, Dr. Eeds has been the owner and sole practitioner in our practice, and she loves caring for folks in her adopted hometown.


Empowering Through Education

When you grow up with something, as Dr. Eeds did with chiropractic care, you understand it on a deeper level than that gained only through formal education. Since chiropractic is in her bones, so to speak, she can explain its benefits to people in a way that makes sense and that empowers them to make healthier choices for their own lives and for their families.

This knowledge and confidence gives our patients faith in our ability to help them, even when they come to us as a last resort after countless other approaches have failed. “I can help them when nobody else has been able to because what chiropractors do is unique.” Dr. Eeds finds it rewarding to help people who have not been able to get relief before. And they get to have a better quality of life.

Giving Her Undivided Attention & Expertise

Maybe you’ve been to other doctors’ offices where they had their eyes fixed on a computer screen or even worse they glanced at their watch. When you’re here you get Dr. Eeds’ undivided attention. Sincere and caring, she makes eye contact, listens attentively, hand-writes notes, and validates patients’ concerns.

Life Outside the Practice

In her spare time, Dr. Eeds enjoys relaxing at home with her husband, four dogs and three cats. When possible, she enjoys scuba diving, her number one hobby. In fact, Dr. Eeds is a Master Scuba Diver and she’s a skilled underwater photographer. In the reception area you’ll see a collage of some of the captivating photos she’s taken.

Taking weekend road trips with her husband and listening to live music are some of her other favorite activities.

Book Today

Dr. Eeds look forward to helping you optimize your well-being. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Dr. Erika Eeds | (903) 872-5657